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Living Benefits Life Coverage

Only A Rated or Higher Insurance Companies Offered!


Good: 10, 20, or 30 year term

Better: Whole Life

Best: Universal Life

Life Protection FPS Life Insurance
Life Protection FPS Life Insurance

Everyone needs life insurance to protect loved ones and pets when they pass away, but most people don’t understand the types of insurance or amount they need to protect themselves, loved ones, and pets.

Now there is an exciting Insurance product that not only pays when one dies, But also can be used WHILE STILL ALIVE when sick, injured, or have chronic illness!

Living Benefits Life allows you to use up to 3 Million dollars from your life insurance policy WHILE STILL ALIVE when faced with a severe Injury, health issue, or chronic illness.

Sickness, Injury and end of life are stressful to everyone involved, and Living Benefits Life can be there to ADVANCE up to 3 MILLION DOLLARS WHILE STILL LIVING to pay any bills, purchase cars and homes, pay for children’s college education, and much more.

Find out today how Living Benefits Life Insurance can protect your income when sick or injured and provide Life coverage as well. Call 951-383-6062 for a Free quote and consultation

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24 Hours 7 days per week.

1621 Central Ave  Cheyenne, Wy. 82001